Asus Thunderbolt Ex3 Wont Recognize Disconnected Thunderbolt Devices and Reinstall Drivers Again


Originally Posted past jeffreysousa View Post

I'm not sure if I practise have the will to keep going with this. At some signal I will have to put my PC back together once again and do actual work. I'g discouraged, mad about the time I've sunk into this troubleshooting, very pissed at Asus for selling a product that doesn't piece of work for many people despite reasonable effort, and their radio silence.

Thanks for the astonishing help!


I sympathize how y'all experience - discouraged, mad, etc. I concluded up in the same state of mind and finally said F**G ASUS Thunderbolt. Past the time I got a flash drive to work in the USB-C port, I looked at the video cabling required to connect TB native monitors and just was not up for the next fight. I really did not Demand TB - I only wanted it working considering the carte du jour came with the MOBO which means I PAID for it and should be able to get it hooked upwards and running with a REASONABLE amount of effort. The matter only wore me out. I am no genius - there are members here that are Fashion more experienced than me but damn information technology I am a degreed Electrical Engineer with decades in my field. I take congenital a few machines and consider myself fairly figurer savvy. That TB card brought me to my KNEES. And aside from user SMKE, I have never found posts from anyone that got it working hands or completely. It'south non us - I really recall the arraign for this goes to ASUS and their lame and undocumented implementation. They just stuck that bill of fare in the X99-Deluxe 2 package then they could advertise TB and called it done. If there is anyone out at that place who has a uncomplicated, logical, repeatable process for the Asus TB add-in card, I am all ears.

FWIW - My gut tells me that your boot trouble has nothing to practice with your DRAM or your cooling. Tin't injure to eliminate them equally suspects but I but don't call back that is your problem. Regarding PCiE Slot 5 - yeah I think it is because I have a 28-lane CPU just I am not 100% sure. Way dorsum in this thread I went through my TB risk with another member hither and he swore upward and down he just stuck the card in PCiE Slot 5, plugged in the header, and it worked. He never went into the BIOS at all!!!! That whole gamble happened on this same thread starting on November 4, 2016 - Folio 1438. If you search my posts and go back to around 11-04-2016 you fill up find all of those posts. Maybe something in at that place will aid you lot. The other members involved were rolldog and smke. Rolldog was kind of similar yous - decided to just pop that TB card in there, practice some config, and be on his fashion. Almost x long posts later I call up he gave up on it. Here is the link if you want to go back and read those posts. up-thread-due north-american-users-only/14370

Anytime I come across someone posting that they are trying to get their TB card working in an Asus X99 Mobo, I always scour their posts looking for the key. I never find information technology. Merely more people who try to employ the card, think they just need to change ane setting, and then slowly descend into the quagmire you are in now. I always try to help past sending all the stuff I sent y'all but it never comes out roses. I am going to get read the thread over on the Asus VIP forum. If you ever do get it working, PLEASE permit me know the magic combination of PCiE lanes, BIOS settings, Virgin Emu Blood, and Magnetic Resonance Anti-Gravity Levitation chants that finally worked.



Originally Posted by jeffreysousa View Post

Thank you, as always, for the thoughtful respond.

I fabricated an interesting discovery!

When I starting time upwards my PC after information technology's been unplugged, Windows recognizes the Thunderbolt EX three menu! I see a petty Thunderbolt icon in the system tray, Thunderbolt [Alpine Ridge] shows upwardly in SIV, and Thunderbolt shows up in System Devices in the Device Manager!

Not that I can get an bodily bulldoze to prove up in Windows when I plug information technology in to either the Thunderbolt type C or USB 3.1 Type A port on the EX 3 (I meet "Unknown USB Device (Port Reset Failed) in the Device Manager, no matter if I plug in via Tbolt, or different devices in the USB Type-A slot).

If I then restart Windows, or fifty-fifty if I shutdown and ability on, all of this recognition goes away.

At that place seems to exist something about the kick time that'southward affecting whether my CPU / Mobo grants PCIe lanes to the EX 3 menu. I've tried disabling fast boot, disabling CSM, clearing secure boot keys, jacking upwardly the Mail service fourth dimension to x seconds.

But all of that seems to be about what happens later on the "BEEP" and initial appearance of the ASUS logo.

What'south interesting about booting my system afterwards it'south been unplugged is that the startup fourth dimension is really long. From the time I printing the power button until I hear "beep!" is almost a minute. Information technology's almost as if the mobo is taking extra fourth dimension to get it's ***** together and recognize what is / is not plugged in.

I wish I could reliably force this extra "recognition fourth dimension" through the bios.

***coughing cough** Asus, update the frickin' BIOS firmware to bargain with this effect nosotros're all experiencing **coughing coughing** And how'bout them year-quondam Windows Tbolt drivers ***cough***

IF I can now go my hard drives recognized, presumably by digging into the old threads and flipping all my arcane bios settings, I could maybe live with unplugging and replugging in my PC every bit a permanent workaround to recognize Tbolt. If I were using a Tbolt display this would drive me crazy. Simply in fact I just demand the option to use Tbolt when a client brings me a Tbolt hard bulldoze.

FYI, I did call Asus support yesterday, and I worked with a prissy representative on the phone to exercise bones troubleshooting (cipher even resembling the dept of what nosotros've gotten into hither). Like uninstalling / reinstalling the Windows tbolt drivers, changing which PCIE slots the carte du jour was plugged in to, enabling tbolt in the advanced tab). I was able to show her the "intermittent" nature of my issue - that while I may be able to get tbolt recognized past windows, the recognition goes away upon restart. She seemed stumped and "escalated" my issue. Supposedly the advanced team at ASUS is reviewing and volition phone call me back this week.

I am going to telephone call in and update them with my new discovery near starting up from having been unplugged.

In any case, this is all a flake ironic equally I only made this latest realization having given up on the whole idea of getting the carte working. Because whenever I reset the CMOS, it reenables the LED lighting on the PC, which drives my wife nuts considering we can encounter the computer glowing through our bedroom door, which we leave open for the cats, while nosotros're trying to slumber. I noticed this glow last night, and being too lazy to go into the BIOS and disable LED lighting, I just unplugged the auto while I slept. And when I plugged information technology back in this morning, I was shocked to see the Thunderbolt icon when I started up to do something else on the machine!

Hmmm. I remember y'all may be on to something here. When TB is working, Yep an icon appears in the Job Bar, YES information technology shows up in Device Manager and in SIV, with Power Management State D0. The clouds part, children sing, and politicians tell the truth. It is truly a magical moment. When I got to that point, I plugged a USB2.0 Flash bulldoze into the USB port and information technology mounted and showed up in Windows but fine. I left that flash drive plugged in there for several weeks, though many reboots - not total boots from total power down - just reboots for whatever reason. I don't recall e'er having a problem with it disappearing. My rig always takes a long fourth dimension to kicking. I think it's just an X99 affair. Plus information technology is greatly affected by a number of BIOS and Windows settings. When I was trying to get my DRAM to 3000 or 3200, I had CSM and Fast Kick disabled, and annihilation else that would touch on DRAM training. So maybe that forced the MOBO to go deal with allocating lanes to the card. All I know is that mine did non vanish like yours is doing. It could exist because of how my kick sequence was set up up.

That said, I actually think you are gaining on it. I am really curious what the "Asus Advanced Team" will come up with. I don't know how many people every actually try to get that TB carte du jour working merely I doubtable nearly don't carp. The ones that do try end upward fighting with it for days on end, like yous, and like me, and like every mail I have e'er found. I take NEVER institute a post that said "What? It's Piece of cake - simply exercise these steps and it will piece of work". Please practise post what the Asus Advanced Team comes back with. Hopefully it volition be more than that "Check your ability cables and thanks for picking Asus!"


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